Plenty of visible fish at Lake Monduran

What a glorious weekend at Lake Monduran. Beautiful weather and plenty of barramundi on the Panoptix Livescope was seen. Not as many on the lures. Rob landed a healthy 105cm and many others on the water had equal successes.

The dam was overflowing in May 2022, and today there are some healthy and very solid looking Barramundi. The set up on the Skeeter was: Garmin GPSMAP 8416xsv, Garmin Force trolling 57″, Rob Payne pole with all the RAM Mounts and the legendary Garmin Panoptix Livescope GLS10 & LVS34 and a GPMAP 8412xsv on side scan.

Did you know, a 44.6kg barramundi, measuring 135cm long and 107cm around, was caught in 2010, topping the previous record from Lake Tinaroo.

Monduran is one of very few impoundments where you have an excellent chance of catching both big barramundi and big bass. This is a superb fishing lake, but it suffers from both low water levels and floods. During floods the big adult barramundi migrate over the dam wall.

Fortunately, barramundi fishing recovers quickly with restocking as barramundi grow fast. Monduran is the third biggest dam in Queensland, at 5300ha when full, and it is the largest Queensland dam stocked with barramundi. The dam is on the Kolan River, 20km from Gin Gin, about a 4.5 hour drive from Brisbane.

Monduran normally has an average depth of 11m, but this fluctuates.

There are a variety of fishable areas, with valleys, forests of submerged timber and rocky cliffs .

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